FLDraw Interactive Image Creator  >  User Guide  >  Mouse Events

Mouse Events

You can create interactive documents by adding event listeners (actions) to your document elements (texts, shapes, images, ...).
To set those options, open the properties dialog box for your document element and go to the Events tab.
Events Tab
  1. Specifies whether the selected element should receive mouse/touch events.
  2. Allows you to specify what to do when users move the mouse pointer over the selected element:
    1. Tooltip: Display a tooltip box.
    2. Info Box (Text): Display a text-only info box.
    3. Info Box (Image): Display an image-only info box.
    4. Pop-up Box: Display a custom pop-up box.
    5. HTML Pop-up Box: Display an HTML pop-up box.
  3. Allows you to specify what to do when users click on the selected element:
    1. Info Box (Text): Display a text-only info box.
    2. Info Box (Image): Display an image-only info box.
    3. Pop-up Box: Display a custom pop-up box.
    4. HTML Pop-up Box: Display an HTML pop-up box.
    5. Link: Open a URL.
    6. JavaScript Function: Call a JavaScript function.
    7. Pan & Zoom: Pan and change the zoom factor.
In order to preview your event actions you can click the Preview button, or choose Preview from the View menu.
(Some features, such as HTML pop-ups, JavaScript functions, animated pan & zoom, don't work in the preview mode)
See also Settings Dialog Box.