JavaScript API
The FLDraw JavaScript API consists of the methods listed below:
load (div, xml, xml2, obj, params) |
Call it to initialize the viewer and load a document.
(When you publish a document, the output folder contains all relevant XML and JavaScript files that are required here.)
- div: The id of the <div> element in which you want to load the viewer.
- xml: Specifies the XML file to load.
- xml2: Specifies the XML.JS file to load (optional, it's required only for offline viewing).
- obj: Specifies the objects definition file to load.
- params: Optional parameters for initializing the viewer:
- x: Specifies the initial X coordinate of the document center.
- y: Specifies the initial Y coordinate of the document center.
- zoom: Specifies the initial zoom factor of the document.
- width: Specifies the width of the viewer (pixels or percentage).
- height: Specifies the height of the viewer (pixels or percentage)
- controls: Specifies the kind of controls toolbar ('none', 'toolbar', 'zoom_buttons', or 'all_buttons').
- onload: Allows you to specify a function to be called when your document is loaded.
Your callback function receives an object with the following properties:
- onresize: Allows you to specify a function to be called when the viewer size is changed.
Your callback function receives an object with the following properties:
- oncenterchange: Allows you to specify a function to be called when the center of the document is changed.
Your callback function receives an object with the following properties:
- onzoomchange: Allows you to specify a function to be called when the zoom factor is changed.
Your callback function receives an object with the following properties:
Returns: true/false (true: successful, false: can't initialize the viewer).
viewer.load('viewerDiv', 'sample.xml', '', '');
viewer.load('viewerDiv', 'sample.xml', 'sample.offline.xml.js', 'sample.js', {x:0, y:0, zoom:100, width:'100%', height:'100%', controls:'all_buttons', onload:'onLoadFunc'});
//onload:'onLoadFunc', so you need to add a callback function to your JavaScript code:
function onLoadFunc(event)
resize (width, height) |
Changes the size of the viewer.
- width: The new width value in pixels.
- height: The new height value in pixels.
Returns: Nothing.
pan (x, y, speed) / pan (marker, speed) |
Changes the center of the document to the given X-Y coordinates or to the marker's position.
- x: The new X coordinate.
- y: The new Y coordinate.
- marker: The name of the marker/icon.
- speed: The speed of the transition (1 to 100).
Returns: Nothing.
viewer.pan(0, 0, 100);
viewer.pan("marker1", 80);
zoom (zoomFactor, speed) |
Changes the zoom factor of the document.
- zoomFactor: The new zoom factor.
- speed: The speed of the transition (1 to 100).
Returns: Nothing.
viewer.zoom(200, 80);
zoomAndPan (x, y, zoomFactor, speed) / zoomAndPan (marker, zoomFactor, speed) |
Changes the zoom factor and the center of the document (to the given X-Y coordinates or to the marker's position).
- x: The new X coordinate.
- y: The new Y coordinate.
- marker: The name of the marker/icon.
- zoomFactor: The new zoom factor.
- speed: The speed of the transition (1 to 100).
Returns: Nothing.
viewer.zoomAndPan(0, 0, 100, 80);
viewer.zoomAndPan("marker1", 200, 80);
closePopup() |
Allows you to close a modal HTML pop-up.
Parameters: None
Returns: Nothing.
getZoom() |
Returns the zoom factor of the document.
Parameters: None
Returns: Number.
var z=viewer.getZoom();
getCenterX() |
Returns the X coordinate of the center of the document.
Parameters: None
Returns: Number.
var x=viewer.getCenterX();
getCenterY() |
Returns the Y coordinate of the center of the document.
Parameters: None
Returns: Number.
var y=viewer.getCenterY();
getStageW() |
Returns the viewer width.
Parameters: None
Returns: Nothing.
var w=viewer.getStageW();
getStageH() |
Returns the viewer height.
Parameters: None
Returns: Nothing.
var h=viewer.getStageH();